Specialists say that there are 2 natural physical activities in the being of each of us, since birth. These are walking and swimming. They have no lower or upper age limit and are the only ones recommended almost without exception in the case of people facing health problems or overweight. So, in other words, we come into the world ready to swim and walk, regardless of the wide variety of sports we can play throughout our lives.
Baby swimming , the topic we are addressing today, is becoming more and more popular in Romania as well. Advised by pediatricians, documenting themselves individually, following the example of other parents who have already taken the first steps in acclimatizing their child to the water, parents are increasingly open to the idea of enrolling their child in swimming lessons and regularly bringing them to the pool , regardless of the season. The benefits that they realized by testing are numerous and we share with you some of the most obvious ones, on the BBsportiv blog .
The transition to the world he stepped into. After 9 months of protection, love and peace in the mother's womb, the baby makes contact with a new, huge and overwhelming universe for him. Interaction with the aquatic environment will be all the more familiar to him the closer it is to the moment of birth. You will be surprised to see how natural swimming will be to your baby, even though he is only a few months old. You don't have to be emotional, because there are special children's swimming equipment that will provide the baby with the necessary thermal, dynamic and supportive comfort, as well as incontinence protection.
Strengthening the child-parent relationship. The physical closeness, the feeling of unconditional support and security that one or both parents give to the baby in the water will help you to strengthen the affection relationship between you, but also to observe closely how he experiences new experiences.
Water accommodation and trust. With just one swimming lesson a week, the baby will quickly get used to the water and will not develop the fear that many of us adults sometimes face throughout our lives. Baby swimming instructors know how to teach little ones how to react if they take a sip of water, how not to panic and will even encourage them to swim underwater.
Essential Skills for Life . Through contact with water from a very young age, the instinct for survival or self-preservation develops. From the very first moments of entering the water, the baby will begin to flap its arms and legs to stay afloat, even if supported by a special baby swimming suit or baby fins.
Development of muscles and organs. Compared to non-swimming babies, swimming babies appear to have stronger heart and lung functions. They can also walk earlier.
Stimulating the intellect . An Australian study spanning 4 years proved that those children who practiced swimming before the age of 5 were not only better developed cognitively and physically, but were also more effective at solving math problems.
Sense of balance more developed. Because their body weight is supported by the water and of course you or the swim instructor, your baby can better focus on practicing finding balance in the water. Using inflatable aids or special life jackets for swimming, he se